Saturday turned out to be a very hot one, i parked under the trees for some shade which did make a difference maybe by 10c, a total of 11 cars made it in the end so not to bad considering how hot it was, a couple of new faces which is always good Vince, then Ian whom came from Edinburgh, couple of gold resistors sorted out, same for handbrakes, intercooler single hose cut into two to fit the facelift type with incorporated turbo boost sensor.
Andy dropped in with Quincy and unloaded a few boxes of items which people had a rummage through, and took some bits and bobs home with them, including myself, so thank's Andy, decent chatting and some good banter was had by all, we all congregated under the trees in the end has it was the coolest place to be in the open field.
Sunday is also going to be an hot one, and once again a bug thank you too all those that turned up, i know i may keep going on a little about use it or lose it, but the only way we will keep going is if we all muck in and attend as much as possible.